COST EFFECTIVE Group protocols allow us to safely treat large numbers of people simultaneously, delivering trauma treatment on a meaningful scale in war zones, refugee camps, remote areas and natural disaster zones, yielding rapid and sustainable results for affected communities. Although still in its infancy, we are striving to reach larger numbers in an effort to scale-up services.
NEUTRALITY Because it is culturally neutral, PRISE is universally portable to diverse contexts. There is no homework or even required literacy and is appropriate for vulnerable populations such as women, children, adolescents, young adults, displaced populations, refugees and those in disaster zones.
SIMPLICITY The protocols are simple, easy to learn and are well tolerated. They do not require articulation of trauma narratives - so often an issue for gender-based violence in addition to cultural taboos around disclosure.
WELLNESS We circumvent the prevalent stigma attached to receiving mental health services by describing PRISE as a resiliency/wellness/educational intervention.
COMMUNITY As a community-based service, PRISE takes advantage of existing education and health delivery systems with use of feedback from the community itself. Utilization of a co-creation model is a key factor in ensuring continuity and success.
PARAPROFESSIONALS Trusted trainers are already embedded and respected within their own communities to encourage those otherwise resistant to obtaining mental health treatment to embrace PRISE as they do general medical services and educational programs. For example, many religious figures are the first point of contact when symptoms develop. Training religious leaders in PRISE can prevent long delays in seeking appropriate and effective treatments and provide earlier intervention while arresting more serious long-term and more costly consequences. The same model applies to first responders, public health workers, and teachers.