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The components from which PRISE is constructed are evidence-based. However, no one has sought to combine these specific elements with this particular training and delivery model using a paraprofessional population, until now. We are therefore, duty bound to not only study and track progress, but to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of our trainings and interventions.


Humanitarian workers, organizations and those involved with the process

of assistance to those in fragile contexts, are bound by certain ethics with

respect to information collection. PRISE is ethically obligated to protect the

rights of individuals and groups while upholding the principles of respect,

beneficence and justice outlined in the seminal Belmont Report. We

view this information gathering as a form of continuous accountability

and transparency, striving always to do no harm to the vulnerable

populations we serve. All upcoming research will be thoroughly vetted

through a human subjects committee or Institutional Review Board (IRB)

comprising experts in the ethics of research. This is through a major

university with an established and recognized track record in international



Provisions will always be made for obtaining correct informed consent, an appraisal of the risks and potential benefits along

with the voluntary selection of participants. Data collected is anonymized to protect the identity of subjects and stored in a

HIPAA compliant manner in accordance with US state and federal law. We strive to educate trainees in data collection and simple to master research methods so they can administer and gather quantitative and qualitative data on outcomes. This instruction is an integral part of the PRISE training.


Data is being analyzed from our work with the United Nations pre-deployment resilience program for peacekeepers in Ghana, Africa. A randomized clinical trial is pending in the Democratic Republic of Congo with a training of teachers at the Congo Peace School who will then deliver the PRISE intervention to 300 children who are former child soldiers and orphans of war.


In addition to avoiding harm, the safe, ethical and effective management of data has a number of benefits. This includes more informed and transparent decision-making which leads to a more efficient humanitarian response, and increased trust among humanitarian actors and stakeholders.


Our ethics also prohibit us from withholding effective treatments in the pursuit of research.

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