Individuals may volunteer in a variety of capacities.
We seek graduate students of psychology,
research, global peace studies and peace building, international development and humanitarian studies.
They may assist as research assistants in data collection
and analysis both to build an impressive resume while performing vital, gratifying service for the common good.
PRISE can create opportunities for a number of doctoral students seeking dissertation topics with access to expert advice from advisors with experience in international development and traumatology.
If you are a representative from a humanitarian or international development organization, we want to hear from you. We seek to establish affiliations and potentially partner with global entities in search of innovative solutions to intractable healthcare problems.
We have either approached or have worked with
several international organizations:
International Red Cross; United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR); United States Institute of Peace (USIP); Save the Children; Liga International (Flying Doctors); Alternatives to Violence International (AVP); USAID;
World Bank Group.